Hi lovers, it has been a good while since I've written up anything decent.
So much has happened this year and time has just flown by just like that.. I can't believe it's already the end of 2017.
Although there were a few months where I've been utterly uninspired and unproductive.. It has been a great year for De Fleur Creative. So much so that I'm at the ultimatum of giving up my other jobs to focus on my business - I've told myself it's now or never. It's hard to give up my other jobs as they provide me with that safety net of a fortnightly income but, on the other side I don't feel like I'm taking a big enough risk to make De Fleur amazing- which, is what I ultimately want. To build my business by creating original and meaningful work for my clients though photography - one of the biggest forms of advertising.
I have so many big projects and ideas planned for the future of De Fleur with 2018 specifically in mind. It's time to finally focus on what I truly love doing and I really hope I will be able to achieve all the goals I set for myself, although to be realistic I know a lot of them will fail but, by brainstorming and listing all the possible ideas I have, at least those that succeed will create a narrower, clearer vision. I wont be revealing any of them until it's time to so those who constantly follow my story, thank you so much for all your support.
I always like to refresh myself of all the things I've achieved through the year, just to see how productive I've been. I highly recommend trying it yourself - Don't think about what others think of your achievements - it's about you. An achievement could be as simple as waking up earlier to getting a job or as major as mortgaging a house. For my personal achievements, I like to add in things like traveling, family, friends, clients I've worked with, projects I've directed etc. Here we go..
Personal Accomplishments of 2017 so far.
Traveled to Vietnam for the first time with my love, Wilson and met his relatives. Maintaining a positive mind. Attended as many family birthdays and dinners as I possibly could. Signed up to the gym and actually went. Worked with amazing clients including Natalie Rolt, Linneys, Hello Parry and many more. Directed my second Mother's Day Shoot in collaboration with Pandora. Decided to start purchasing quality pieces of clothing which I will be able to re-wear again and again. Attended a number of amazing events, most of which were hosted by my favourites at Detail Marketing and Communications. Was asked to be a bridesmaid for the first time by one of my best friends, Lisa. Accumulated 7.1k beautiful followers on Eden De Fleur Instagram and 1.6k creatives on De Fleur Creative. Traveled with lovely friends, Lisa and Amanda for the first time to Sydney and Melbourne. Traveled to Malaysia with my Mother. Attended two TPFF Shows. Purchased my first car - VW Polo. Turned 25 and celebrated with my closest of friends. Dined out probably a bit too often. Part hosted my beautiful friend, Lisa's High Tea Bridal Shower. De Fleur featured on Issue 5 of Paper Cup Project. Re-launched De Fleur and announced that I will be a full time creative photographer in 2018.
I'm sure I missed a few but this is definitely a good gist of my accomplishments this year and honestly it makes me quite proud.
Now, it's your turn.
Summer has finally arrived here in Australia and I am absolutely loving it. I'm foreseeing a lot of linen + buttons, flowy dresses, long silk dresses, ruffles (still on my radar), big straw hats and basket bags this Summer. Patterns would definitely include polka dots, gingham and stripes. The Last Lolita Sunglasses by Le Specs will be my best friend this Summer - giving my Baby Audrey Celine's a break for now although I will definitely be alternating between them depending on my outfit. Minimal Slides will be on everyone's list as well as simple strapped heels for celebrating the festive season. In terms of jewellery, gold statement earrings and coin necklaces are very on trend at the moment - absolutely loving Reliquia Jewellery.
Wearing: Zara Polka Dot Top and Shoes, Basque Skirt.
Photographer: Wilson Lam